Events and Programs

Course 20 Freshman Information Session {2020 Zoom Recording}

Listed below are the current programming for the 2024-2025 academic year.  Keep an eye out for emails and/or flyers around campus for more information. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please send us an email at!

Events & Programs for 2024 – 2025

Associate Advising

BE Upperclassmen have the opportunity to be an Associate Advisor to a rising Course 20 sophomore and provide invaluable advice on classes, getting UROPs, and career guidance. Look forward to emails ahead of the academic year to sign up!

Biological Engineering Career Expo

October 4, 2024, 10 AM – 3 PM: The MIT Department of Biological Engineering (BE) will hold its 11th annual Biological Engineering Career Expo, an in-person career fair and recruiting event tailored specifically for undergraduate and graduate students affiliated with the Department of Biological Engineering.

Course 20 Freshman Pre-Orientation Program

August 20-25, 2024: We will introduce incoming freshmen to BE at MIT through hands-on laboratory experiences in the 20.109 and 20.309 labs, tours of labs at MIT and beyond, talks with faculty, info sessions, and exploration of MIT and the Boston area.

Course 20 Study Breaks
TBD, multiple times per semester: We offer a social environment to unwind from coursework, often with refreshments [and with boba, at least once

d be friends with other Course 20 students with shared academic and extracurricular interests.